95pc youths use Facebook

FBFacebook remains the most popular social networking site among Bangladeshi youth by a fairly wide margin.

The other popular social networks are imo, Youtube, WhatsApp, and Viber, says a survey conducted by Org-Quest Research Ltd and initiated by Prothom Alo.
The survey was conducted on 1,200 youths, who are15 to 30 years old. Of them, 494 use social networks regularly.
When asked about their favourite social network, 95 per cent youths said their first preference is Facebook.
Among the 494, a total of 468 youths have only one social networking site account, Facebook, indicating 94 per cent youths consider Facebook their social network.
The 494 survey participants spend 52 minutes on average on Facebook every day.
Of them, 80 per cent give 30 minutes to 1 hour daily and the rest spend more than 1 hour on Facebook.
The second choice of the youths is imo as 57 per cent of them use the app based site regularly.
Youtube stays in the third position among Bangladeshi youths. Among the survey participants, 33 per cent youths regularly use Youtube. The video-sharing site is more popular among boys than girls.
WhatsApp is in the fourth and Viber in the fifth position among youths’ choice list of social networks.
Social network expert Fahim Masroor told Prothom Alo, young people are losing their depth of thought because of this Facebook addiction.
This addiction is triggering off social unrest, intolerance and militancy, he said.
Fahim Masroor thinks the authorities should give the youth reading rooms, sports facilities, and other recreational activities so that technology cannot control them. 
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